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What Do Animals Know?

Animals come here for much the same purpose that we do: To seek evolution; achieve goals; experience love, happiness, and soul growth. However, they maintain a much stronger connection to the Other Side/God/Spirit/Source/Home than we humans do. They don’t go to a school or church and aren’t taught what to learn or believe, leaving their connection as pure as the day they are born. They never doubt the Source from which they came, and they have no fear of returning to it. I do believe this is by design, for if we as humans remembered the pure love, joy, and peace of the Other Side, we’d never achieve the goals we set for ourselves in this lifetime. We’d pick an easier planet or never leave Home in the first place! Animals choose their situations and the humans in their lives to facilitate mutual growth for both themselves and us.

More Info

Learn more about Animal Communication & Readings



Why book a session?


What People Often Want to Know From Their Animals


Get Ready

How to prepare for a session.

Gift Certificates

Give a unique and meaningful experience to your favorite animal lover!


How I Do It

Information from animals comes to me in many forms, including pictures and videos, physical feelings, smells, words, and just knowing. I translate the communication from animals to their humans. 

I adhere to the Code of Ethics for Interspecies Telepathic Communicators, formulated by Penelope Smith, acclaimed Animal Communication specialist.

I use meditation techniques and various stones and crystals to help keep me grounded and in tune with animals and nature.

Schedule Your Session

Ready to schedule a session? Please choose an option below to get started.

Over The Phone

1-30 min, $50
31-60 min, $95


Payment by debit or credit card is required immediately upon completion of the session.


24-hour cancellation notice is required for all scheduled sessions. Without such notice, all canceled or missed appointments will be charged a flat fee of $40.00.


In-Person Sessions

$50/half hour, $95/hour. Additional travel fees may apply.


Payment by debit or credit card is required immediately upon completion of the session.


24-hour cancellation notice is required for all scheduled sessions. Without such notice, all canceled or missed appointments will be charged a flat fee of $40.00.


Contact Me

If you have questions or would like to book a session,

please contact me by your preferred mehtod via buttons below and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

I look forward to speaking with you!

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